Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bad Inspiration

What you think is a deep profound thought ,probably isn't.. The great piece of literature it inspired, probably isn't.  They say anything can inspire, true statement that. But the random cringe worthy line you used on the muddle head you are e flirting with, is bad inspiration.And when she hails the end result as the next big literary achievement since Twilight, you ought to know better. It only means that you are in fact, the tallest dwarf.

When the secondhand of the clock takes ages to move between lines, you know you are having a slow day. When your boss is in no mood to assign you work , you know the day just got slower. Lately,my office has turned into a bit of a sausage fest. No welcome distractions there then. E-shopping !!, Blocked!! . The green dot on g mail chat list had been staring at me for some time now.. I was tip toeing around it all this while.. Might as well engage while I figure out something to do.

Listening to her pseudo philosophy on life  and  flirting were always a guilty pleasure in a "so bad its bloody good" way. Few seconds into the conversation I knew ,that its the flirt who was the prominent alter ,which was in a way what i was hoping for, considering i was not in the mood for wisdom!! . At one point an idea involving bees flowers and nectar was shared. Clearly the intended sexual innuendo went over her head and, to make matter worse she saw the philosophical angle and exclaimed "that's a very sweet thought..." .No its not.. its lame.. you did not even see what i was trying to tell you.. or is it. Double check!! "   "Really??" "Ohh its profound and deep.. just like you!!!" That's it. You deep thinker you. Now sit down and develop this idea into your next literary masterpiece..  

Wafer thin idea developed using big words.. Basically the episode from friends where, Joey in an attempt to sound intelligent used the thesaurus and replaced "He has a big heart" with "he has a huge aortic pump!", only half as funny and much worse. It was done in less than 10 min, and I was proud. Only natural that it is shared with the person who inspired(instigated) it, so I did..

 " Lovely..Its so beautiful.Yes!! I knew it.. Let me share it with my friends form the real world.. Why deny them the privilege of going through my latest creation.  So I decided to shove this down everyone's throat.  It took an intervention by a phone call + coffee break + some much needed human contact ,to make me go through it again. Then the realization dawned upon me.. This was ,to be mildly put a steaming pile of excrement that needs to be erased from human history. But it was too late. I had personally seen to it that few of the most sensible one's in my life already got a glimpse of it. As i sank back into my chair awaiting the bloody backlash "This sounded waaaaaay cooler in my head!!", I thought The damage was already done. 

I had created something which will subject me to never ending ridicule if it ever reached the wrong hands....
"Seriously??", "Lets pretend this did not happen" , "Dafuq?!", "What are you smoking???".. This is how the humans reacted to this literary monstrosity and I was reminded of the fact that , even though a man is blessed with a head and a dick. he has only enough blood to run one at a time..As for the creation itself.. here it is                       " Petals that embellish a flower are too tender for any drone's desire.                        Those which unfurl for you reveal a beauty unseen ,                       One which shares with you the sweetness it holds within"

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