Saturday, January 9, 2010

Year that was.....

What a difference a year makes... I can easily recall a period around later part 2008-initial half of 2009 where i had no clue on where i was going with my life.. There was this pointlessness associated with every single day which started with me asking myself the question "now dat you are up.. what next!!" which normally resulted with me feeling what can be best described a "an emotional kick in the nuts"... All that is a not so distant memory now . For all the progress I made on a professional level the reasons that make 2009 a year worth remembering are personal.

I used to start every year expecting to bring about changes in my personality which would make me a "better person". Which only resulted in me going through a 360 degree u turn with my personality. 2009 was no exception only that there was more negativity surrounding me..(one of those times when u start looking frantically for the restart button in your life).After some point even you get sick of your own ways.. The solution was simple, I just had to remember who i was rather that what i had become. The key to getting a second chance in life is to take responsibility for the mess you created in the first attempt.

It might sound weird but you are the solution to almost all of your problems. The solutions lie buried in your past and it takes only some honesty from your part to unearth it.Life presents you with great experiences and great lessons you just have to dig deep and draw your inspiration from them.One of the easiest things in life is to play the victim and convince your self about the pseudo-helplessness on your part.But if you some how convinced yourself to do that then you have issues waaay bigger than mine. Its normal to feel the need for change .But what ultimately decides whether this need materializes into something useful is the underlying emotion and the reason which gave birth to it. But I believe there are two essential qualities which are fundamental to bring about any kind of change .One is your ability to criticize your self honestly and the other being how much you care about/love(not the narcissistic kind) yourself.

So what made 2009 special.. I was happy!! and it feels guuuuuuuuuuud.I realized that once you are happy with who you are everything else just falls into its place.Why should i even change when i am the best in the world at being me.There might be little tweaking every now and then,thats about it .This was just me now add to that the influence of those who make make my life worth living by just being a part of it(You know who you are.). I am truly blessed and I owe it to them to be happy .Life is soo bloody simple n i intend to keep it that way .
So to all those who wished me a happy 2009.. thank you i had a great year!!

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